Caring for a Dental Implant the Right Way

You’ve invested a lot of time and money in a dental implant. You don’t want that to go to waste, right? When it comes to tooth replacement options, they are the best of the best, but you still need to take good care of them. To you keep your dental implant in great shape, Dr. Anderson Lane has some suggestions:... read more »

Any Damage to Dental Crown Needs to Be Treated by a Dentist

A dental crown is often used as an effective treatment method for restoring a tooth that has been significantly compromised by a dental fracture, missing dental filling, or a large cavity. They are commonly created from special dental materials capable of replacing the strength of natural tooth enamel. Unfortunately, there are also some things that can impart enough force to... read more »

Is Conscious Sedation Therapy Right for You?

If you are someone who is anxious about having dental treatment performed, you are far from alone. At Anderson Lane Dental, we have helped many patients with this condition with the help of conscious sedation. Our dentists, Dr. Pevow and Dr. Robbins are proud to offer this calming service for our patient in Austin, Texas, to have a relaxing experience while sitting in... read more »

Caring for Your Smile in ClearCorrectâ„¢ Aligners

If you are straightening your smile with the help of the ClearCorrect™ aligners, we congratulate you for going the extra mile to create a healthier smile using customized removable aligners. Today, our dental team is happy to share a few tips with you to care for your clear aligners and your smile during your transformation. We applaud your commitment to improving... read more »

The Fundamentals of Gum Disease

Have you ever heard of periodontal disease? You may know it by the name gum disease. Although gum disease is common, it can lead to tooth loss if not treated properly. For a list of guidelines for gum disease, consider the following: - Oftentimes, gum disease results from dry mouth caused by certain medications. - Gum disease can cause bad... read more »

Teeth Can be Whiter With Treatment

If you are looking for advice on teeth whitening, you have come to the right place! Our team is happy to give you some insight on teeth whitening, so your teeth can stay healthy and beautiful each day, as well as provide KöR® Whitening Deep Bleaching™ as an option. The most imperative thing to remember with any teeth-whitening treatment is... read more »

Mouthwash: Are You Using It?

Did you know that using mouthwash in addition to brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing regularly can help your teeth resist cavities, plaque, gingivitis, tooth decay, xerostomia - a fancy word that means a lack of saliva - AND prevents bad breath? It does. If you're not using mouthwash, you should be! Why do you need to use mouthwash... read more »

Eliminate Cavities at Their Core with Dental Fillings

Are you experiencing any increased tooth sensitivity? Do you feel any discomfort or pain when you try eating? If so, you may be suffering from a hole in your tooth known as a cavity. Cavities are formed when the tooth enamel protecting a tooth is breached until a hole forms down to the tooth’s root. Fortunately, dental fillings can be... read more »

Timely Professional Care Will Be Needed for a Loose Bridge

A dental bridge that has been loosened by an oral accident or complications from untreated gum disease should always be a serious cause for concern. Any movement between the affected bridge and the abutments within can cause very serious complications. If the abutment itself is damaged, it could require more invasive treatments. To reduce your chances of suffering more adverse... read more »